
#14 Four-layered Apple Tart - With Recipe! Don't miss this one!

I baked this apple tart for the theme of Thanksgiving. We don't celebrate this day in China but I think we will soon...we've already been having Valentines' Day, Christmas and Halloween. And guess what, I received several 'Happy Thanksgiving' messages today!

At first I had no idea what Thanksgiving Day was about except a huge turkey shinning in my mind. Later I found that pumpkin pie is another necessity and so is apple tart. The one I made is definitely not a traditional one because it has four layers!

1st layer: crunchy shortbread
2nd layer: soft cream cheese
3rd layer: fragrant apple slices
4rd layer: roast almond chips

Only imaging these four layers in one apple tart has already made my mouth water! I really love this recipe because it takes less than 15 minutes to prepare and 30 minutes to bake. This means, within an hour, you can enjoy this delicious tart!

OK, here's the recipe! Are you excited? ;)

Ingredients (for a 6'' cake tin):
100g cold unsalted butter
2 apples (I use royal gala)
1/4 tsp salt
150g cream cheese at room temp
105g plain flour
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp lemon juice
20g caster sugar
1/3 tsp ground cinnamon
20g sugar A
20g sugar B
1 egg
35g almond chips

1. Preheat the oven at 230℃; put a piece of parchment paper at the bottom of the cake tin and oil the rest of the cake tin
2. Mix the flour, salt and sugar; put in the butter and knead them till a rough dough (you don't need to knead the dough smooth)
3. Put the dough in the tin and make it cover the bottom and put it in the fridge - this is the first layer
4. Soften the cream cheese and add sugar A, the egg and vanilla extract; beat the cheese till it's smooth (don't over beat!)
5. Pour the cream cheese paste in the cake tin, make it flat and put back to the fridge - this is the second layer
6. Pare the apples and cut into small pieces, add in some lemon juice to avoid oxidization; mix sugar B and ground cinnamon with the apple slices and put them on the cheese layer evenly - this is the third layer
7. Spread almond chips over the apple layer - and this is the last layer!
8. Put the tart in oven and bake 10 mins at 230℃; then turn down the temp to 200℃ and bake for another 30 mins (you can take it out early if the surface turns golden
9. Cool it down and remove it from the cake tin. Tadaaa! I recommend to eat it after refrigerating a few hours, but you can also enjoy it warm and soft! 

So...Thanksgiving. At the end, I would like to thank my dad and mom. I miss you, really.
Also happy Thanksgiving to all my friends. 
And you.

Photo by Serena


#13 Yogurt Cake - With recipe ✿

The ingredients are very simple: flour, egg, sugar and yogurt. But after trying four times, I still can't bake a satisfying one. Every time when it comes out from the oven, it starts to shrink...and looks like a pie rather than a cake!
But one important thing is that from the first time to the fourth time, the cake looks more and more better. Every time, I will adjust the amount of some ingredients to make a better cake! I think I will bake a perfect someday. Practice makes perfect!

The above shows the positive side of me. Now let's see the passive me.

The cake doesn't look amazing. It even doesn't look good. Just a cake. Nothing special. When I see it, I think about myself. A common girl who will disappear in the crowd before you see me.
For a long time, I'm trying to figure out who I am. It's not easy. I have experienced a lot and am still struggling.
I'm very tired of myself showing the fake side on social media. People always tell me that I'm a good girl with positive energy...but really, I'm not.
For a long time, I'm trying to fight against the dark side of me. Sometimes it wins and sometimes I win. The battle is still going on. I don't know how long I can carry on. But at least I haven't given up.

The cake doesn't look amazing but it looks warm. It can still make you feel happy and enjoy the pleasure of food. I'm trying to be a person like this, from the bottom of my heart.

Haha, now the food blog looks like my diary. 
Anyway, after writing down these words, I feel better. I believe tomorrow will be another nice day. It will.

Almost forget the recipe...sorry!
Ingredients (for a 7'' or 8'' cake)
Plain flour 65g (or plain flour 40g + corn flour 25g)
Eggs x 3
Yogurt 80-100g
Sugar 30-40g

1. Separate the egg white and yolk in two bowls
2. In bowl A, whisk the yolks with yogurt until its color becomes a bit lighter
3. In bowl B, beat the egg white until soft peaks form
4. Preheat the oven at 150 Celsius degree; Mix A and B and pour into the cake tin
5. Put the cake in the oven and turn down the temperature to 130 degree; bake for an hour
6. Take out the cake and remove the mould! Done!
I think your cake will probably shrink as well...don't worry...it will still taste good:)
What you can do is to turn the cake upside down when you get it out from the oven. Cool it for a while but do take the cake out of the tin when it's warm.
Enjoy it with fruit or jam or cream...Yum yum!

Here's my favourite version of the song 'The Rose'. 
'I say love, it is a flower;
And you, the only seed.'
Good night. ✿


#12 Homemade ice cream - coffee and Bailey's flavour! Recipe provided!

Hmmm...the truth is that I find the double cream and custard I bought are gonna expire soon. And I'm taught not to waste any food...So here's the way I work out -- mix them and make ice cream of my favourite flavour COFFEE WITH BAILEY'S! Trust me, you can taste romance and happiness from it ;)

I don't have an ice cream scoop...so it doesn't look as good as it taste. I'll get one soon!

What you need:
300ml double cream
200ml custard
2 tsp instant coffee powder
2 tsp Bailey's
You can add some sugar if you want~

Just pour everything together in a big bowl. Beat with a electric whisk until thick and quite still, just like clotted cream. Freeze it for a few hours and enjoy it!

For decoration, I put some chocolate syrup and white chocolate chips. Combined with their sweetness, the ice cream tastes just perfect! Don't think the lemon goes well with it...anyway it's already there...

It's getting cold and it rains a lot.
Nothing special happens.
Miss you sometimes. Cried just once.
Don't think you will see these words.
Type them just to release myself.


#11 The First Cake

Made my first cake tonight. It makes me remember a lot of my firsts. For example, my first baking. It was more than two years ago and I baked some cookies. I didn't know I would like baking this much at that time.

The preparation was 20 mins, the baking was 1 hour, the cooling lasted 3 hours and the decoration was almost 1 hour. 
I've a leaned a lot during baking. Being patient and careful, being creative and flexible. 

I think this is what I like to do. So I'll definitely carry on. Sometimes I feel off because I spend more time baking than reading or studying. But to be honest I prefer to do things that make me happy. It's still good for me to find something I like at my 20s rather than 80s.
Hope my life will be as colorful as this cake and as sweet as it tastes.
Good night.

Photo by Serena


#10 Baked caramel pudding

First order! Yay! 
The client (never thought I would use this word to describe someoneヽ(●´∀`●)ノ) asked for after-meal dessert and I chose to bake this. To be honest, it was my first time to try this...so I was feeling really nervous about their taste.

After they came out from the oven, I felt less anxious because they looked really good! Later the client and his friend told me that the puddings were really delicious. This can make me smile for the whole weekend(*´艸`*)

Also baked these Portuguese tarts as Friday treat for my flatmates...taste good especially when they're hot! It was nice to drink a little and eat something sweet. Alcohol can make me get rid of inhibition and dessert can make me happy. Happy weekend everyone!


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————————————————♥♥♥ Dessert Menu ♥♥♥——————————————

【Swiss Roll 瑞士蛋糕卷系列——一个可以分给6-10人吃噢~

♡ 小山蛋糕卷(相比其他蛋糕卷口感更加细腻,因为加了蜂蜜更加香甜噢~奶油超多!)£10

♡ 抹茶蛋糕卷(风味独特,搭配豆沙奶油馅,听起来就很棒有没有!)£10

♡ 戚风肉松卷(喜欢咸甜口的朋友看过来啦~非常好吃!)£10

♡ 可可蛋糕卷(好吃到停不下来!自己做的奶油馅一点都不腻!)£8(左下图)
♡ 戚风蛋糕卷(推荐搭配果酱馅儿~)£8(左上图)
♡ 红薯芝麻蛋糕卷(这个在烘焙社的活动中获得了广泛好评!)£10(右下图)

【Cupcake 纸杯蛋糕系列】

♡ 巧克力核桃纸杯蛋糕(巧克力的香甜搭配脆脆的核桃非常好吃!)£10/6个(欢迎团购...一次会做6个~)
♡ 清新柠檬纸杯蛋糕 £12/6个
♡ 巧克力棉花糖纸杯蛋糕 £10/6个

【Special list 外面买不到系列】

♡ 椰蓉糯米糍(Q弹口感,保证你停不下来!)芒果馅£6/10个 豆沙馅£5/10个
♡ 抹茶磅蛋糕(一长条蛋糕~带着抹茶的清新~分享必备~)£10
♡ 熊猫饼干(这个外面绝对买不到好吗!萌出血了啊!招呼小伙伴、赠送女朋友佳品!)£8/15块

比外面卖的便宜!味道却一点不会输!可以选择果酱馅儿、奶油馅儿、花生酱馅儿和饼干酱馅儿~ 6个/£5 

【Cake 生日/聚会/分享蛋糕系列】

♡ 草莓慕斯蛋糕 6寸£12 8寸£20 还可以做成蓝莓的芒果的树莓的~

♡ 戚风蛋糕(可以做成各种口味的,巧克力/红糖/红茶等等)6寸£6/ 8寸£10/
♡咖啡百利甜戚风蛋糕 6寸£8/个 8寸£12/个
♡ 奶油水果蛋糕(自己打发的奶油,好吃不会腻~水果一定多到满足!)8寸£20
♡ 酸奶蛋糕(好吃低卡无负担!女生们看过来!酸奶口味的跟我说下就好~)6寸£6 8寸£10
【Star products 最拿手系列】

♡ 香蕉椰蓉蛋糕(吃过的都说好吃!整个是8寸方形的)£15/个

♡ 苹果塔(拿去烘焙社活动又是好评如潮!围着我要方子!)这个只做6寸的~4层食材 4种口感~包你满意!£10/个

♡ M&M豆布朗尼(8寸方形~选用可可含量75%以上的巧克力做!口味浓郁!聚会佳品!上次烤了一个feed了班上30来个人...)£12个

因为这句话,所以开始尝试经营自己的cake business。




#9 Cocoa Swiss roll with cream

Another cute and delicious Swill roll~This time I put fresh cream inside and taste amazing!
The flavour of cocoa combines perfectly with the cream...nothing too sweet or greasy but just delicious (=^・ω・^=)丿
The recipe is quite similar to the one I posted in #8. Just replace 20g plain flour with cocoa powder and that's it! Easy but can have a totally different flavour!

Accidentally put two blueberries on it and find it looks like a little robot! Really cute! 
Can I just keep looking at you :)

Come on, make one and enjoy it with your friends! 


Photo by Serena♥

#8 Swiss roll with sweet potato paste - FIRST RECIPE POSTED!

Seems swiss roll is not popular here in UK.
When I brought this to the baking meet-up, most guys looked curious and asked 'What's this?'. Some even didn't want to try because it did sound odd - Swill roll with sweet potato paste.
But after tasting, everyone looked different. I saw their eyes opening wide, corners of mouths pulling up and heads nodding. 
It is actually more tasty than I thought. And definitely more healthy. Instead of using cream, the filling is made of sweat potato! And people love the sesames outside:)

Here's the recipe! Try to make one for yourself! It's not difficult as you think...At least make a comment after trying. Looking forward to your Swiss roll!(´,,•ω•,,)♡(´,,•ω•,,)



#7 Savoury chive cookies

When we talk about baking, everything that pumps into mind seems sweet...too sweet maybe...so let's have something SAVOURY!
Seems this cookie is not popular in England...neither is the flavour. A lot of desserts in China will have chives to improve the taste. 
These cookies are good, I promise. At least my 7 roommates say so. ;)

Making the cookies has a lot of fun. But it's just a bit cold to melt the butter under room temperature...also takes me great efforts to squeeze the paste into the round shape.
Anyway, it's a tasty cookie and it only takes about 40 mins to eat! 
Soft and crispy! Once you bite a bit, it starts to melt in your mouth. Go with a cup of of tea or hot chocolate, enjoy your life!
They don't taste sweet but will definitely make your day sweet!

Photo by Serena


#6 Prawn tomato spaghetti

Just like chips and ketchup, prawn and tomato are another pair of excellent food partners that never let me down. 
They're not only delicious but also very healthy. With little burden of calories, I can enjoy a whole plate of this!
The cooking can't be easier anymore. In less than 20 minutes, everything is done. 
Chewy and spongy spaghetti + juicy sweet tomato + fresh tasty prawns = PERFECT!
Can't help saying 'Bellissimo' to myself while eating the spaghetti!

OK, the weekend is gone. The reading week is gone.
But don't feel upset, don't feel worried.
Cuz everyday I treat myself something new and delicious!
Keep calm and keep cooking! :)

Photo by Serena