
#10 Baked caramel pudding

First order! Yay! 
The client (never thought I would use this word to describe someoneヽ(●´∀`●)ノ) asked for after-meal dessert and I chose to bake this. To be honest, it was my first time to try this...so I was feeling really nervous about their taste.

After they came out from the oven, I felt less anxious because they looked really good! Later the client and his friend told me that the puddings were really delicious. This can make me smile for the whole weekend(*´艸`*)

Also baked these Portuguese tarts as Friday treat for my flatmates...taste good especially when they're hot! It was nice to drink a little and eat something sweet. Alcohol can make me get rid of inhibition and dessert can make me happy. Happy weekend everyone!

